Build high-quality apps with Foreca API Features

Weather History

Need historical weather data for a specific location and date? The History API allows you to retrieve past weather conditions around the world.

By querying with coordinates, you'll receive a response containing both daily summary values and detailed hourly observations for the chosen location.


weather notifications

Weather Notifications

The Weather Notifications API allows you to configure weather-driven push notifications for applications. Notifications are generated based on weather conditions at specific coordinates.

By setting thresholds for predefined weather parameters, you can receive alerts for for events like the onset of rain, strong winds or extreme heat.

Governmental Weather Warnings

Weather warnings issued by governmental institutions in various countries worldwide are gathered into our database and delivered through a single data feed.

While each country has its own alerting methods, Foreca presents all warnings as unified categories in a harmonized global offering.

Severe Weather Alerts

Foreca Severe Weather API provides information on adverse and severe weather conditions forecasted for any location worldwide.

Visualize or add to point forecasts: all information is provided in GeoJSON format making the alerted areas simple to visualize on maps or to use as part of other location-based services.


climate data

Climate Data

Based on measurements at official weather observation sites, Foreca climate data tables offer accurate information about daily and monthly average temperatures and precipitation.

Climate data is available for all Foreca forecast locations, covering over 150,000 named places worldwide. 



Ski Resort Information

Ski Resort Information

Foreca provides information about ski destinations through a location-based data API. Request a list of available ski resorts within a given radius around the user’s location.

The response will contain general information about the resort, including opening hours and latest reported slope conditions.


marine weather

Marine Weather

Foreca Marine Weather provides comprehensive information and detailed forecasts concerning ocean and sea conditions globally. This includes accurate information and predictions of waves, water temperature and tides of the seas and oceans worldwide.

This service empowers users to make informed decisions for safe and efficient marine activities.



Foreca AQI

The Foreca Air Quality Index (AQI) delivers air quality forecasts for the next three days, enabling users to plan activities with awareness of potential health impacts. This index provides a clear overview of the predicted air quality, and detailed information on individual pollutants.

The AQI is available globally, and incorporates real-time observed air quality data where available. 



Advanced numerical dispersion models, coupled with real-time aerobiological data, form the foundation of this pollen forecasting service. The API delivers detailed predictions for various allergenic species such as alder, birch, grass, mugwort, olive, and ragweed pollen.

Reliable pollen data allows users to plan their daily activities. Pollen forecasts are currently available throughout Europe.



Optimize your agricultural operations with our Agriculture API. We provide specialized weather parameters designed for agriculture and irrigation management. Access critical data like SSRD (Surface Solar Radiation Downwards) for solar energy assessments, VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) for plant stress monitoring, and daily precipitation estimates to fine-tune for example your irrigation strategies. 



Optimize your energy production with our Energy API. We deliver weather forecasts specifically tailored for the energy sector, providing crucial insights for your operations. Our forecasts are generated using the latest weather observations and advanced numerical weather prediction models, ensuring global coverage and accuracy. 


sailing weather

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