API Features
Build high-quality apps with Foreca API Features
Weather History
If you want to know what the weather was like in a certain location at a certain date in the past, the Weather History API gives you the answer.
Make queries based on coordinates, and the feed will provide you the observational data of the day. The standard response includes both daily summary values and hourly values.

Weather Notifications
The Weather Notifications API enables you to set weather-driven push notifications to applications. The API creates notifications based on the weather in pinpointed coordinate points.
With predefined weather parameter threshold values, you are able to be informed of certain weather phenomena like when rain, strong winds or exceptional heat starts.
Governmental Weather Warnings
Weather warnings issued by governmental institutions in various countries worldwide are gathered into our database and delivered through a single data feed.
While every country has their own alerting methods, Foreca presents all the warnings as unified categories in a harmonized global offering.
Severe Weather Alerts
Foreca Severe Weather API provides information on adverse and severe weather conditions forecasted for any location worldwide.
Visualize or add to point forecasts: all information is provided in GeoJSON format making the alerted areas simple to visualize on maps or to use as part of other location-based services.

Climate Data
Based on measurements at official weather observation sites, Foreca climate data tables offer accurate information about daily or monthly average temperatures and precipitation.
Climate data is available for all Foreca forecast locations, containing over 150,000 named places worldwide.

Ski Resort Information
Foreca provides information about ski destinations through a location-based data API. Request a list of possible ski resorts within a given radius around the user’s location.
The response will contain general information about the resort, as well as opening hours and last reported conditions of the slopes.

Marine Weather
Foreca Marine Weather provides information and forecasts of waves, water temperatures and tides of the oceans and seas worldwide.

Foreca AQI
Foreca Air Quality Index (AQI) provides an air quality forecast for 3 days. The index provides an overview of the forecasted air quality, individual pollutants are also available. AQI is available globally and it takes into account also the observed air quality where available.

Pollen forecasts are made using numerical modeling and observational data. Pollen forecasts for the following species are available in the Pollen API: alder, birch, grass, mugwort, olive and ragweed. The pollen forecasts are currently available for Europe.

Agriculture API provides special parameters for agriculture and irrigation purposes.