Foreca Weather API - Point Forecasts
Premium quality weather forecasts for your weather app
Foreca Weather API's high quality point forecasts for every coordinate in the world
- Foreca's high accuracy forecasts in an easy-to use format
- Global coverage: point forecasts to every coordinate in the world
- Weather Maps included in the same package
- Easy to combine with API add-ons
- TRY FOR FREE - We provide free trial access (2000 requests/day) for 30 days. Includes access to both Foreca Weather API and Foreca Weather Map API.

How does the API work?
Foreca Weather API is based on HTTP queries, which are sent to Foreca's servers. Foreca provides two query methods suitable for different occasions.
Queries can be made based on 1) coordinate or 2) location name.
See more on our API Documentation
In which form are the API replies?
API replies are in JSON format. Other formats such XML or delimited ASCII are also available as a custom solution.
If you are looking for data for fixed locations in XML format, please have a look at Foreca Weather File Feed.
For which time steps can I find the weather information?
Foreca Weather API includes:
Current observations (Official Weather Stations and Synthetic Observations)
15-minute Forecast up to next 2 hours
Hourly Forecast up to next 14 days
Daily Forecast up to next 14 days
Which are the weather parameters provided?
All the commonly used weather parameters are provided. Visit our API Documentation for a full list of parameters.
How can I add weather maps to my app?
In addition to point forecasts, Foreca Weather API includes weather maps. Have a look at our weather maps.
I want to add Governmental Weather Warnings to my app, is it possible?
Yes. Foreca provides a wide range of add-ons that can be used together with Foreca Weather API. Take a look at our different add-ons .
Contact Foreca sales and we will help you build a suitable solution for your needs.
Sign up for your free trial!
Trial access (including 2000 requests/day) for 30 days